a dog

from hell (dreams)

It all started with this crazy fella I was sleeping with. We had to make our own beds, and mine looked a little weird. Can't remember the details but the blanket was made of plastic and stretched way beyond the mattress.

Anyway, we're sleeping and then all of a sudden this military guy comes in, pointing a gun at me. Tells us to move.

We're marching on the streets. There are so many people, it was hard not to get lost. And then I met him again. Pascalo. Oddly, we were still friends. Our task was to find a base, was there was a congregation about something I can't remember.

Obviously, we couldn't find it. Asking people for directions didn't help either. The last thing I can remember was us pissing together.

chodzilem po miescie, w tym momencie uswiadomilem sobie, ze piosenka jest o mnie, a przynajmiej jej czesc. rafal ze zwieszona twarza. moze o to chodzi?

mielismy sie kochac wszyscy z ta nowa laska, mialem nadzieje, ze mowi powaznie i to nie jest zaden trik. okazalo sie, ze robila web show. wiec byl to trik. bylem cholernie napalony, ale nie chcialem, zeby mnie z tym kojarzono.

gralem w bezpieczne. pozniej mnie florian prosil, zebym mu zdjecia zrobil jak wskakuje na jakies dzieciaki. telefon mial jakis dziwny, nic nie wychodzilo.

something went wrong with the security system. all my stores were open, and because it was dark, there were no cashiers or proper security guards.

in my motorcycle shop i saw two guys stealing stuff. i walked up to them and offered a 1000,– each if they help me secure the food store behind – they agreed.

i went home, made a few phone calls. the situation didn't look good.

the next day i realised the guys got killed. then i went with my dad to get some meat from a different store. we waited there a good hour. then there was this building to which i got in with an rc car. then there was some spaceship equipement, some crazy stuff..

Spoke with my dad. He said that he has maybe 1,5 years of life left. So I asked him, how do you want to live that life? He said, he wants to spend more time with his grandchildren.

My brother started a band. They were supposed to give a concert at 7pm. He asked me for that on a late notice. I didn't know the songs, I was nervous. Then, there was another gig I was supposed to do with Sebastian, as a guitarist too. I didn't know the songs. Didn't know how to play either. I was unprepared – it was scary.

So I went back to CS. Meet my old colleagues, and pretty much worked on the same boring stuff. They gave us terminals now, so we didn't have to carry laptops everyday.

Nearly all was the same, with a few minor tweaks. Well.. there was also that building right behind CS, where people could go, and fuck colleagues in a nice and sanitary way. Obviously I went there right after work with a few buddies of mine.

We entered the building, It was quite big. Man went on the left, women on the right. There was a cabin with a toilet. You could change there, leave your belongings etc.

People would hurry like crazy, especially not so attractive guys. They realised times were good for them, free fuck in such a nice conditions, every afternoon, provided by your employer – that's a real gem.

I went there twice, and didn't fuck once.

I walked around the place till I get to the stable. There in the hay people fucked like rabbits. I didn't like the view so I left. Packed my shit and left.

When I walked out I immediately realised I am in a different building, far away from CS. It bugged me like crazy.

The next day I decided to go again. This time I talked about my discovery to everyone, but nobody cared. I forgot to mention, that before the party we were given the rules – where one of the main ones was, that time was limited, and anyone who stayed longer than allowed got punished severely.

We entered a big hall right after changing. There were women sipping champagne. I tried to talk to a few but with no luck. Others were taken, so I decided to eat something in the kitchen.

I walked around the kitchen, almost all the food was off. Then, a fat woman came in, she wanted to fuck but I delicately refused. I tried to show her that things change, and lucky for me, she was able to see a drawer that was a mess (because I was looking for a good candy bars) – and later that drawer got automatically cleaned and organise by itself!

When I was packing my clothes I was loosing concentrations, and alarm went off, because I was the only one left in the building.

I could see others walking home through the river (we were again someplace completely strange)

I think I met the master of that place. He looked like creator of WestWorld.

There was a monster, looking like my dad. We couldn't stop him. He was moving slowly, killing everything on his way. He wa wearing pants that were dropping, that slowed him down – it gave us time to attack.

Then I was wearing those pants, proud to figure out a system of zipping them up so they don't drop. My parents watched TV.

Then I went to see my old time fried. We laughed over a video where people had bananas in their pants.

Leiusch-Barbeiusch ty skurwysynie. You know you gon' die.

Pojechaliśmy stamtąd po tej kawie i rogaliku za 47 franków (na terminalu pokazywało chyba z 54,–). Nie specjalnie lubię stawiać, ale w tej sytuacji stwierdziłem, że zrobię wyjątek.

Na autostradzie ktoś do nas krzyknął. Cud żeśmy skumali, że to do nas. Co ciekawe momentalnie rozpoznałem, że chodzi o Smolenia. Jechał na deskorolce. Z początku, partner nie chciał mi uwierzyć, ale jak sam zobaczył też się zdziwił.

Sprowokowani tymi krzykami postanowiliśmy złożyć mu wizytę. Mieszkał w jakieś starej szopie. Weszliśmy do środka. Kumpel poprosił o papierosa po czym zaczęli się o coś sprzeczać.

The cigarette looked unusual. Mark put it in a special ceramic container, which had 3 more cigarettes In it. The structure looked complicated to me. As one of the cigarettes began to slowly burn near the middle, he directed the ceramic tool on Smolen. Then I heard a fire.

Thee additional shots were made, don't know if they had any purpose or Mark was simply shooting in the ceiling. I got scared, but he assured me I am a good fellow and we can do more business together.

We left and met a few other dark skinned men. Something was telling me they will also die soon. Everything always happened in poorly lighted rooms.

The men sitting on the rooftop. Laughing at whatever they can.

I didn't propose or anything. I didn't even know her. I never kissed her. She was married to my friend, but now we were about to get married.

I remember being on their wedding. It was nice. Well organized. Mine was not supposed to look like that.

The whole thing should start around 11, but I woke up at 10. I had no suit, we had no food to offer, no rings, nothing.

I knew it was a bad idea, but I put myself on autopilot again.

I tried few different pants, then decided to wear jeans. I put my nice Paloni jacket on top of a washed t-shirt. I came up to her and said, let's go.

We went first to some place, to make announcement, that they should go after us, to an office, where we're gonna do it. Then I put my future wife, that was dressed in a slutty, brightly green dress, in a back of a truck, and we went.

I went to work, sat on my armless chair and waited. There was a new guy there, confused and bored.

My boss wanted to race. He had this new car – electric tesla model s. He gave us one too, but instead of driving it, we had to carry it to the finish line.

I remember I had this thought, that we have good chances of winning this race. So we carried this car, two men, I hold it on the front, he grabbed it on the back, and we ran.

Then, when we got tired, we decided to take a short break. My two sisters were standing on the line in the Cafe nearby. I came up to them.

  • what do you want Ralph?
  • Espresso Macchiato gerne

I was looking for a chocolate bar. This Cafe wasn't good. I couldn't find anything decent. But I kept looking until my coffee got cold. My sisters finished talking, and the break was over.

I got out of the Cafe and noticed that there was a healthy food store right next to it. With protein bars, raw chocolates and everything.

I had it, right in front of me, but I didn't look.