a dog

from hell (dreams)

Half of the damn figers were missing. I started to search through broken memories on how I've lost them. I thought jiujutsu must've done it, but then how? It couldn't happen on the mat. I reckon they just woren out and fell off.

I started to accept

I was on the journey again, separated from my family. We got into different trains; mine was not bad at all. The sun made it a nice ride.

I got out, realising this must be a dream. I met him, Trump. He was super nice, got me everything I wanted. We got stuck for some reason in a big house. Half of it looked like a supermarket.

I was sitting in a chair, looking at my hand when he came, holding a thin plastic bag. He handed it to me, saying I should pick up any garbage.

Wpadlem do nowej pracy, po raz kolejny, mimowolnie jednak bez przymusu. Poznalem kilku gosci, wykonujacych swoja robote. Nie nalezalem do takich.

Po kilku tygodniach, zorientowali sie, ze cos jest ze mna nie tak i zaczeli mi dokuczac, zadawajac techniczne pytania. Nie mialem pojecia jak na nie odpowiedziec.

Lubili mnie, bo bylem zabawny i w ogole spoko gosc, ale ten ich wewnetrzny konflikt, co zrobic ze mna, byl niemal namacalny. Nie wiedzieli jak mnie sklasyfikowac. Z jednej strony, dobrze sie ze mna gadalo i nikomu szkody nie robilem, z drugiej, bylem bezuzyteczny, co rodzilo pytania – kto go tu zatrudnil? za co ma placone?

Poznalem Keitha nie wiem gdzie. Ale z jakiejs przyczyny wiedzialem o jego nadchodzacej smierci.

By zapobiec jakos, postanowilem zorganizowac ostatni koncert, gdzies w buszu. Gdzies gdzie trudno dojechac; rower mi sie rozwalil. Patrzylem jak jeden typ, zrecznym ruchem doczepia sobie wielkie kola do hulajnogi i zamienia ja w road bike'a.

Koncert sie udal, ale pieniedzy z niego wilelkich nie bylo, co nie podobalo sie Liamowi i reszczcie. Flint tez nie byl wesoly. Wiec szedlismy tak, w smutku, w jungli, bez wiekszej wiksy.

my dad wanted to make a prank on me and my siblings, so he cut his head off, layed it gently on his chest and stretched inside one of his old cars. I said oh my god, let's call an ambulance. I wanted to feel something of a great loss or something. I think I wanted, but maybe I didn't. I didn't feel much of that loss either.

when he finally woke up, I felt embarrassed, because I didn't mourn him enough. the whole situation was awkward.

I was in this hotel, close to shopping mall. No, wait, first thing I remember I had this bitch in my car, and a moment later another one parked just right next to us. She was fine, a little older though. Playing with her pussy, turned on extremely. I invited her over.

We went to my hotel, close to this shopping mall, you see. Fucked?

Later what happened was I got involved with Natalya. Somehow we ended up naked in bed, in the same hotel. She was hot my friend, I'm telling you. Despite all her stupidity, naivete, she was warm between the legs. She was warm and moist between her legs and her lips were juicy, warm and ripe. Warm, and welcoming like a mother she was. Caring and warm. She could suck you off, bring some milk with honey.. then

okay now, the last part is new. never happened.

I was on a camp with my brothers and sisters. There were lots of other people too. We could swim in a quite short swimming pool. I was happy about that, because I liked it, and wanted to try my new breathing mouthpiece.

Then then war broke out. We were transported to other countries by train. In there I fucked this not-so-good-looking-chick, but I didn't come. Then I think, I must've misplaced something of hers, and she wrote these long posts about it.

And then I got home. I was still living with my sister, in a completely different country. It must've been Holland, even though it didn't look like Holland, because I met my old friend there – who happened to live in Holland.

My sister's got these guys coming over for the night. They weren't attractive, they were like 2nd grade sort of humans, but she didn't care.

One day I was walking on the streets and met my old friend again. I was interested in his plans for the future, but he was just as hopeless as the rest.

I was on a tropical Island. I remember walking the streets, and then a second after – being in the sky, flying and jumping straight to swimming pool. Have no idea how I managed to survive.

The craziest thing was, that the whole world was folder – I could see the rest of the island in the sky. Just like in the Inception. It was happening because I had a folded picture of this Island in my pocket.

met my old friend. we used to live together. I was interested in what he's up to these days. it was the weed. he smoked tons of weed. it didn't look good on him since he was a dork. constantly programming, uncovering the depths of ai.

I asked him for a puff, he gave it to me, but it seems like he wanted to be cool by not agreeing with the things I say. even with something as trivial as a puff of a joint.

we went through the city. I mentioned that one of the buildings here burned down completely. he said it would be good if I volunteer in fixing it. cleaning, repairing, apparently they give you some props if you're willing to do such work. I thought about it thoroughly.

after a while it was time for basketball. for some reason we had to wear these stupid costumes. big, heavy... made the whole game clumsy. he was working on some weird machines too. one was making your body decompress. I was worried about him when he got out of one of those machines one day, completely confused, lighter, paler and scared.

I left. the next day I wanted to play basketball again. but this time there was no ball, just an iron disk. it took me a while to learn how to bounce this thing. but once I did, it was magic. after a while, we started adding some more layers to this iron ball. more pieces of iron. the ball must've weigh about 10kg.

all I can remember was the struggle. it took a tremendous amount of dedication to play basketball with an iron plate.